Akram Eissa Darwich
Middle East & North Africa
Since Akram joined IFAW in 2013, he has been leading the DISRUPT trainings in the MENA region to combat wildlife trafficking and Education programme, while also building and strengthening relations with the local authorities, governments and NGOs to reach our global objectives and implement them on a national level. Over the years, Akram has been involved in many different international forums like; CITES, CBD and CMS. Therefore, Akram’s knowledge and experience has been substantial in lobbying practices to promote proposals that IFAW considers a priority in the Middle East and North Africa.
Prior to joining IFAW, Akram worked (19 years) at the Ministry of State for Environmental Affairs in Syria as a Director of Biodiversity and Protect Areas Department, making sure (as a Focal Point) the conventions (CBD, CITES and CMS conventions and its agreements like AEWA and ACCOBAMS) the country has signed to are implemented and followed-up on. Also he was a national coordinator for some international projects supported by Global Environmental Fund (GEF)and UNDP, He was also working on a part-time basis with IFAW as a DISRUPT trainer to train the participants concerned on the proper methods to implement CITES and identify the species that are commonly trafficked in the region.
Mineral water Laboratory analyst
Teacher in Biology Science (Institute of technology) Mostaganem city, Algeria
Head of Biodiversity and Protected Areas Directorate in Ministry of State for Environment Affairs Syria
Ministerial advisor for Biodiversity conservation and Protected Areas Management issues Syria
Founder @ Former Chair and vice Chair of the Syrian Society for Conservation of Wildlife (NGOs) (SSCW) since 2003.
National Coordinator for the Biodiversity Conservation projects funded by GEF – UNDP since 2005 until 2011.
National Focal Point of all Conventions and agreements related to the Biodiversity conservation (CBD – CMS – CITES – ACCOBAMS - AEWA) since the Syrian official ratification until the end of 2010.
Leading the drawing process of the national policies for the protection of the Biodiversity and follow up the implementation needed activities
Cooperative Trainer with International Fund for Animal Welfare Organization (IFAW) on CITES Convention implementation since 2007 until 2013.
B.S. Biology, Damascus University Syria
Doctorate in Zoology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Zoology Bulgaria
IFAW staff
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