Sheryl Fink
Sheryl has worked with IFAW to bring an end to the commercial East coast seal hunt for over 20 years. After completing her BSc in Wildlife Biology, she joined IFAW as a researcher, focusing on issues surrounding Canada’s commercial seal hunt, marine mammal - fishery interactions, and the conservation and sustainable utilization of wildlife.
As an expert on Canada’s east coast seal hunt, she has witnessed the annual slaughter of seal pups first-hand on the ice, filmed it from the air, and analyzed hundreds of hours of footage to identify instances of abuse and cruelty. She has worked tirelessly to bring the truth of Canada’s seal hunt to politicians, decision makers, and the public through her writings presentations, and the media.
Today, Sheryl oversees IFAW’s Wildlife Campaigns in Canada, working to identify and promote positive solutions that help wildlife and people coexist. She also highlights IFAW’s philosophy that “individual animals matter” and incorporates this message into the broader conservation agenda and policy discussions.
IFAW staff
Every problem has a solution, every solution needs support.
The problems we face are urgent, complicated, and resistant to change. Real solutions demand creativity, hard work and involvement from people like you.