Koala Protection: Rescue, Rehabilitate, Release, and Secure - Australia, New South Wales
Planting a future for koalas, one tree at a timeIFAW urges federal government to overhaul national environment laws
IFAW urges federal government to overhaul national environment laws

(Sydney - 28 January, 2020)
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) welcomes the long-awaited release of the independent review of Australia’s national environment laws (the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999) and urged the federal government to heed its warnings.
Professor Graeme Samuel’s report clearly states that the EPBC Act is ineffective. The report recommends a complete and urgent reform of Australia’s environment laws based around legally binding National Standards that protect wildlife, heritage and habitat.
IFAW Wildlife Campaigner Josey Sharrad said:
“The review confirms what we have been saying for a long time - our environment laws have failed us. Our environment has continued to decline since the EPBC Act came into force, with the loss of native vegetation and species being pushed closer to the brink of extinction. The system is broken.
We need a new generation of national laws to protect and restore the future of our precious natural environment. The Morrison Government must respond by withdrawing its Bill to roll-back Commonwealth environmental responsibilities. We can’t afford for this to be ignored.
Let’s not forget that the 2019/20 bushfires were an ecological disaster and pushed Australia’s environment and wildlife onto a knife-edge. We need bold action now, before it’s too late.”
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