At IFAW we’re committed to maximising the impact of your legacy gift. These six promises describe the way we work, how we use funds and how we treat our supporters. We know that you trust us to do the best for animals.
A caretaker and elephant in Zimbabwe. © IFAW/Donal Boyd
- animals first. We’re determined to see a world where animals are protected and respected. Every decision we make is based on the animals we help.
- embracing new ideas. We’re not scared of change. We challenge problems with fresh thinking and bold action for animals, people, and the place we call home.
- stronger together. We work with supporters like you, NGOs, governments and local communities to create long-term change. Together we can create a world where animals and people thrive.
- open and honest. We’ll tell you about our work and publish our finances so you can see where your money is being spent and how you’re making a difference for animals.
- putting you in charge. We want to communicate with you in a way that suits you. If you tell us you’d prefer less contact or no longer want to hear from us, we’ll respect your wishes.
- protecting your privacy. We will never sell your data to any third party or share your details with other charities.
Let's talk
If you have any questions about our work, please do get in touch. You can also update or review your contact preferences. Drop us an email at or give us a call on 020 7587 6700.
Our work can’t get done without you. Please give what you can to help animals thrive.