Big Cats in Captivity Rescue and Advocacy - United States
There are more tigers in captivity in the United States than there are in the wildthe US has a Big Cat problem
the US has a Big Cat problem
Help us protect lions, tigers, and other exotic cats in the United States

Captive, privately-owned big cats are regularly subjected to mistreatment and miserable living conditions. And those who exploit them misrepresent these activities as “conservation.”
In the US, there are an untold number of big cats in captivity. These animals are at risk for abuse and often live in terrible conditions in private hands as pets, menageries masquerading as rescue sanctuaries, and at unqualified roadside zoos operating with little oversight or accountability.
When big cats are surrendered or confiscated, rescue operations kick into gear to transfer the cats to qualified sanctuaries. This is where IFAW comes in.

We do better together
Working alone, sanctuaries didn’t have enough resources to rescue all the cats in need. But working together, IFAW helped legitimate sanctuaries to do more.
Carson BarylakCampaigns Manager - Policy
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