EU Marine Strategy remains ineffective without binding rules
EU Marine Strategy remains ineffective without binding rules

Brussels, 7 March 2025. On 6 March, the European Commission published an evaluation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD). This directive, adopted in 2008, requires EU Member States to achieve 'good environmental status' (GES) in their marine waters by 2020 to protect the marine ecosystem and biodiversity.
The Commission’s evaluation confirms that the MSFD provides a solid framework for an ecosystem-based approach. It plays an important role in the wider European Water Resilience Strategy, which aims to ensure that water sources are managed properly. However, there are also shortcomings. For example, key concepts and definitions are unclear, and there is an obvious lack of results-oriented, legally binding obligations to tackle the triple crisis of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution.
The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) provided extensive input during the evaluation process. Ilaria Di Silvestre, Director of Policy and Advocacy, Europe, at IFAW commented: “While the MSFD paved the way for impactful legislation and policy, the lack of clear mandatory measures resulted in Member States' failure to achieve a good environmental status by 2020 in EU marine waters. This is especially true when it comes to achieving goals connected to the reduction of underwater noise pollution. Binding limits were only set last year, and the European Commission has yet to provide the Member States with clear guidance for their implementation.”
Therefore, IFAW calls on the EU to introduce legally binding measures to reduce underwater noise, including speed limits for commercial vessels. Scientific studies show that a slight reduction in ship speeds can reduce noise pollution by up to 40% while also lowering greenhouse gas emissions and reducing whale collisions.
IFAW, which is supported by a quarter of a million citizens, several shipping companies and ports, advocates for the adoption of Blue Speeds, a policy that promotes speed reduction as a cost-effective and immediate solution to mitigate underwater noise. Lower speeds also result in lower fuel consumption, reducing overall emissions. IFAW urges the EU to make this measure mandatory in its marine legislation.
Di Silvestre added: “The MSFD is more relevant today than ever. The upcoming European Oceans Pact – the Commission’s upcoming strategy for ocean governance across all sectors – offers an opportunity to improve its implementation and enforcement. It should include a clear commitment to introduce legally binding measures to achieve the good environmental status of the oceans.”
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