Carson Barylak
United States
When Carson was six years old, a neighborhood cat in need of a home adopted her family, instantly becoming a loyal companion—and she has had a soft spot for felines ever since. Little did she know that befriending that tiny stray would ultimately lead her to advocate for and protect some of the world’s largest wild cats and the places they call home.
Carson has considerable experience with legislative and regulatory issues affecting wildlife management at the state and federal level. Prior to joining IFAW, she held positions in litigation and policy advocacy at national and international conservation organizations including the Animal Welfare Institute and Natural Resources Defense Council.
Her background in science, understanding of the law and advocacy experience equipped her to manage IFAW campaigns focused on addressing captive wildlife trade, promoting human-wildlife coexistence and advancing protections for imperiled species. She leads IFAW’s U.S. Big Cats policy campaign and spearheads wildlife policy efforts related to trapping and predator control reform.
She holds a J.D., B.S. (environmental science) and B.A (chemistry) from Ohio State University, where she was active in advancing sustainability policies.
J.D., B.S. Environmental Science, Ohio State University United States
B.A. Chemistry, Ohio State University United States
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