information for executors and administrators
information for executors and administrators
Thank you for administering an estate in which IFAW is a beneficiary. We understand that this can be a particularly difficult time and appreciate that administering an estate can be complex. To help keep things straightforward for you, we have prepared the following information to guide you through common areas of estate administration which need to be dealt with in a particular way where a beneficiary is a charity. You can find a PDF download version further down the page.
If you encounter any problems during the administration, please inform the beneficiaries. Many years' experiences may mean that we have already met a similar issue and may be able to help.
You can contact the IFAW Legacy Team at
Further Information
The role of Executor is not always straightforward, and we should like to express again our gratitude for your help. Thank you.
Residuary Gifts
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Pecuniary Gifts
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This guidance relates to the estates of people domiciled in England and Wales, but the principles (and all of the tax information) relates equally to Scotland. IFAW accepts no responsibility for the information above, this is meant as helpful guidance only and is correct at the time of writing. If in doubt, please consult a solicitor.
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