gifts in wills guide
gifts in wills guide
For over 50 years, supporters like you have been helping to fight for a world where animals are respected and protected. It is incredible that you have stood with us — enabling us to be on the ground, rescuing animals and securing their habitats.
Like you, we believe every animal matters, and with support from you, we will continue to make real-world solutions that make an immediate and lasting impact.
When we rescue one animal—a house pet abandoned in a hurricane, a milk cow displaced by an earthquake, a right whale entangled in fishing line—we’re doing much more than saving a life. We’re reuniting a family. We’re restoring a community’s livelihood. We’re saving a species on the brink of extinction. We’re saving our planet.
With a gift in your Will, we promise to continue to build a world where animals and people thrive. The generosity and compassion of people who make the decision to leave a gift in their Will means we can continue to protect animals, people and our planet for many years to come.
I hope you will be able to help our work continue, because it really does depend on the kindness and generosity of people like you.
Shannon Walajtys, Director of Disaster Response & Risk Reduction
Our work can’t get done without you. Please give what you can to help animals thrive.